Fire to inspire your desire for God

His word is in my heart like a fire.

I can’t contain it.

~Jeremiah 20:9

Podcast Series

Angel discusses in her podcast about how He effects all of us and how His influence is seen all around – even in the darkest of times.

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Whats on my mind

Sometimes – at the strangest and most unexpected times, He comes to me and I write about what I am feeling. I call it my Musings.

Angels Mission & Vision

Set hearts, souls, & minds on fire for God

MISSION: Influence others with passionate love, passionate truth, and passionate obedience.

ANCHOR: Love the Lord your God with a passionate heart, from the depths of your soul, with your every thought, and with all your strength.
Love your neighbor as you want to be loved.
~Mark 12:30

Latest Musing

Test post 3

By worldly standards, I was doing well, very well; yet nothing, not even the quintessential American dream could fill the cracks of my broken heart....


No one special in the grand scheme of things.

No one of significance by worldly standards.

No extraordinary credentials or accomplishments worthy of boasting.


No exemplary past that qualifies me to be God’s messenger, 

but I do so anyway because:


His Victory over my past does!

His Life gives my life meaning!

His Credentials make me worthy!



Angel cast

Latest Podcasts

Youtube video 4

Youtube video 4

One day I was upset. I was having a heated argument with my then boyfriend while I was at work. I left work abruptly. We continued arguing, I was driving about 120mph on the freeway, there was light rainfall so it was wet. I drive a high powered sports car with slick...

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Youtube video 3

Youtube video 3

One day I was upset. I was having a heated argument with my then boyfriend while I was at work. I left work abruptly. We continued arguing, I was driving about 120mph on the freeway, there was light rainfall so it was wet. I drive a high powered sports car with slick...

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Youtube video 2

Youtube video 2

One day I was upset. I was having a heated argument with my then boyfriend while I was at work. I left work abruptly. We continued arguing, I was driving about 120mph on the freeway, there was light rainfall so it was wet. I drive a high powered sports car with slick...

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Angel cast

Latest Musings

Test post 3

Test post 3

By worldly standards, I was doing well, very well; yet nothing, not even the quintessential American dream could fill the cracks of my broken heart. By spiritual standards, I was doing well, also. Over the years I had dabbled in everything from youth & young adult...

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Test post 2

Test post 2

By worldly standards, I was doing well, very well; yet nothing, not even the quintessential American dream could fill the cracks of my broken heart. By spiritual standards, I was doing well, also. Over the years I had dabbled in everything from youth & young adult...

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Test post 1

Test post 1

By worldly standards, I was doing well, very well; yet nothing, not even the quintessential American dream could fill the cracks of my broken heart. By spiritual standards, I was doing well, also. Over the years I had dabbled in everything from youth & young adult...

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Join us on our journey.


There’s always first steps. If you are torn and not sure what He can offer, Join. If you’ve already given your heart to Him, join. I believe we have lots to share in the pursuit of Him.